About Us

Charming Male – About Us

Gentlemen, what are your love-life experiences as Millennials? What are of the things you wish the society held a different view of? What could you do today to become better? How do you redefine yourself?

The world we live in today has gone through numerous changes over the years, but one thing remains unchanged – the fact that most of us struggle to be the charming and loving gentlemen we know ourselves to be.

There are way too many expectations for us today and what we crave for, more than most other things, is a space where we can learn and express ourselves freely. Well, having been the single guy and then the guy in a relationship in a blink of an eye, there’s a lot of information I could have used, but it wasn’t readily available.

A few years back, the idea of men becoming charming had little to do with appearances and grooming, and a lot to do with charisma and ‘acting like a man.’

Society didn’t have any space for men to express their emotions or look ravishing.

But thanks to the changes in mindsets and the men who’ve come before us to advocate for ‘inclusion’ and something along the lines of human-ness, we can express ourselves better. Charming Male is one such space. Here, you will learn to be who you are. But above it all, you will learn how to be the best version of yourself. 


In addition to sharing insights and advice on the making of great relationships, you will also learn how to be the best version of yourself by taking better care of yourself (and your loved ones). 

You could think of Charming Male as your one-stop resource for all the actionable advice you need in different areas of your life: style, career, fitness, character, and relationships, etc. 

In the traditional sense of things, being a man or acting manly was all about acting as a warrior on a battlefield and making homes safer for societies around you. As a result of this thinking – a line of thinking which has unfortunately stuck around for too long, even when we no longer need to go to war – we have been emasculated for having mani-pedis, facials, dressing well, and even being emotionally available for our loved ones. 

But we are changing things, one story after the other.

At Charming Male, we share unbiased guides and tips on what to make you better by being you; whether you are single or in a relationship. Through our personal care sections, you will learn everything you need to know about good grooming, hygiene, fashion, style, wellness, and fitness.

If you are a single guy looking to find a great partner, you must know that like every introduction, first impressions matter. The appearance of your teeth/ smile, how you make people feel when you open your mouth to talk, and how you smell will determine whether you land that date or not.

The fit of that suit and whether the shoes you are wearing are perfect for the occasion/ season or not matter. You will also learn about how to differentiate between antiperspirants and deodorants, baby powder, and the powder made for your balls (like Fresh Balls).

These are things that are not often discussed in mainstream media, but we’ll talk about them openly.

Besides looking at what you need to wear and what you shouldn’t, we’ll also focus on the body trying to wear the best clothes. For this, we’ll offer advice on the best workout regimens for you, as well as the things you should avoid doing if you want that dream body.

On matters of relationships, you’ll learn how to keep your girlfriend happy. If you need advice on whether to buy gold jewelry or shoes, we’ll sort you out. Does this sound like a place you’d like hanging around the internet? Keep reading to learn more about the little-known manly things you could do today to make you (and your girlfriend) happier!